Mere de calitate superioară din Livada.

Descoperiți cele cinci soiuri de mere delicioase aromate.


Despre Merebune - Calitate și Aromă

La Merebune cultivăm cinci soiuri de mere cu arome unice, adaptate la condiții diverse, asigurându-ne că fiecare pom fructifer are caracteristicile dorite pentru o recoltă de succes.

girl standing near plants
girl standing near plants

Mere de calitate

Arome unice

Merii deosebite

Descoperiți cele cinci soiuri de mere cu arome unice și calități remarcabile.

A lush apple orchard features rows of apple trees laden with ripe, red apples under a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a simple wooden fence with wire mesh separates the orchard from a grassy field.
A lush apple orchard features rows of apple trees laden with ripe, red apples under a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a simple wooden fence with wire mesh separates the orchard from a grassy field.
Altoire corectă

Importanța alegerii portaltoiului pentru pomii fructiferi sănătoși.

Soiuri de mere

Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pinova și Red Delicious pentru toate gusturile.

Arome unice

Explorați caracteristicile fiecărui soi de mere pentru o alegere inspirată.

Orchard with apple trees laden with ripening fruits. The apples on the branch are green with hints of red, surrounded by dense green leaves. The trees are aligned in rows, extending towards the background where the spacing between the trees suggests a well-maintained orchard.
Orchard with apple trees laden with ripening fruits. The apples on the branch are green with hints of red, surrounded by dense green leaves. The trees are aligned in rows, extending towards the background where the spacing between the trees suggests a well-maintained orchard.


Descoperiți soiurile noastre de mere cu arome deosebite.

A lush orchard with rows of apple trees on either side of a grassy path, dotted with fallen apples among vibrant green foliage. The trees are laden with red apples, suggesting a fruitful harvest season.
A lush orchard with rows of apple trees on either side of a grassy path, dotted with fallen apples among vibrant green foliage. The trees are laden with red apples, suggesting a fruitful harvest season.
A lush apple tree stands prominently in a grassy area, filled with an abundance of red apples and green leaves. It is surrounded by a fence, with a wooden building to the left and a backdrop of trees and rocks.
A lush apple tree stands prominently in a grassy area, filled with an abundance of red apples and green leaves. It is surrounded by a fence, with a wooden building to the left and a backdrop of trees and rocks.

Recenzii Clienți

Aici găsiți părerile clienților noștri despre merele noastre.

Merele de la Merebune sunt delicioase și de calitate superioară. Recomand!

Ion Popescu
Red apples hang from the branches of lush green trees in an orchard setting. The trees are arranged in rows, and the sky above is clear with a few clouds.
Red apples hang from the branches of lush green trees in an orchard setting. The trees are arranged in rows, and the sky above is clear with a few clouds.

Am cumpărat mere Gala și sunt foarte încântat de gustul lor. Recomand cu încredere!

An apple orchard scene with ripe apples hanging from the trees. Woven baskets filled with apples are placed on the ground. A ladder leans against one of the trees. The setting is bright and pastoral, with light green and pastel hues dominating the scene. In the background, there are more trees and foliage, suggesting a large orchard or grove.
An apple orchard scene with ripe apples hanging from the trees. Woven baskets filled with apples are placed on the ground. A ladder leans against one of the trees. The setting is bright and pastoral, with light green and pastel hues dominating the scene. In the background, there are more trees and foliage, suggesting a large orchard or grove.
Maria Ionescu

